Thursday, April 30, 2009

Air Scare Force One Photoshoot = epic fail

Apparently some White House officials found the need to take updated photos of Air Force One around the Statue of Liberty. I'm not entirely sure who cares if the photos are updated or not but what do I care about is that someone thought it was a bright idea to fly a 747 and an F-16 Fighter Jet in a NO-FLY ZONE in NEW YORK..and then decide not to tell anyone about it? The Federal Aviation Administration definitely knew that flying a presidential jet so close to Ground Zero would stir up fear on the streets, but they went along with this boondoggle anyways. Of course, mass hysteria ensued amongst New Yorkers. I don't blame them. Low-flying jets around the Statue of Liberty and other important buildings? Tell me what American wouldn't suspect terrorist activity when seeing that. Way to go guys. The head buffoon that approved of this was director of the White House military office, Louis Caldera. You know what grinds my gears even more? The total cost of this photo shoot was $328,000. We are in a serious recession here, people are losing their homes, the national unemployment rate is at 11%, banks are going under, and some White House officials really felt the need to spend $328,000 of tax-payer money on a photo? A file photo of Air Force One? It's going in a file! Who cares! Louis Caldera has apologized, as has President Obama. Apology shamomolgy man; Mr. Caldera needs to be fired immediately. Like a boss.

How come nobody has heard of using Photoshop? What a load of morons.


  1. Nice Blog U have in there

    I have few cents for you :P


    Peace :D

  2. idiots. i heard someone at a deli yesterday explaining this occurrence completely incorrectly! watch/read the news people!

    hey, do you think i could sell hello fake-y on eBay?

  3. i don't know about fake-y's ebay value. someone may report you to ebay for fraud. Won't Justin be hurt anyways?


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