Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Fallen Soldier

I don't believe this: Bonni now has a Twitter account. She gave in! Outrage. I woke up this morning to find an IM that read "I must confess:" and there was a link put into tiny-URL code..trying to mask it? For shame, my friend. You have now joined the 140-character-limit-micro-blogging-omg-this-is-a-constant-facebook-status phenomenon.


  1. she sent me the tiny URL also! what was she thinking? Bonni if you're reading this, we do not approve!

  2. Do you also not approve of "WORST TATTOO ON TWITTER" contests? You can't deny the hilarity of this:

    Twitter = amusement for daysssss.

    Blog smog. You're just disappointed I figured out how awesome Twitter is first.

  3. Oh and P.S. Eff you Twitter haters! I'm going to New York in one week!!!!!!!!

  4. Ive got one too :P. Back up hatuhs

  5. New York Schmoo York. Are you going to tweet throughout your whole trip?

    "OMG Statue of Liberty

    OMG Serendipity

    OMG Time's Square

    OMG I love NY."

    Whatever man...I'm going to Canoga Park in one week haterz.

  6. for my response to this, I direct you to my TWITTER!

  7. wait, sameer has a twitter? its a disease. and bonni, way to bring up going to new york as if it has any relevance to your twitter argument!

  8. you would know i had a twitter if you were on twitter...

  9. Yeah what does NY have anything to do with this? Minus 1 point, Bonni.

    Secondly, Sameer had Twitter before you so your argument that you discovered how "awesome" it is first = bogus. -2

    There seems to be more action on my blog about you having Twitter as opposed to your actual Twitter. -3

    Lastly, you cannot truly claim Sameer as a Team Twitter Ally - he's definitely on Team Blog.

    You: -4
    Us: +150

  10. Im still allied with Bonnie...but if the argument is between which is better then blogs win hands down. You can advertise them without feeling like youre pompous, you can write without worrying about character counts, you can customize, and you can make money with them!


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