Saturday, July 25, 2009

Revelation in My Life: Midwesterners Dislike Me

I was looking at the visitor statistics of my blog and noticed something quite striking: part of the Midwest Region of America refuses to visit this site. I'm a little offended..I mean, not even one visitor! Nevadans would rather gamble than blog I am sure, Colorado kids have Nuggets games to watch and mountains to snowboard on, and Utah is Utah. I understand why people from these states may not be visiting; but the midwest? Oh come ON.

The white states indicate zero visitors:

Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Nebraska..what's up you guys? Are you not feelin' this? Is there even internet over there? I honestly don't know.


  1. If you're getting hits from Arkansas, its my phone. Also, if you want the Nebraska hook up you know I can hook you up.

  2. dOPE bLOG ... cHECK mINES oUT nd fOLLOW... tHANX...



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