Monday, July 20, 2009

Indians: Making It Rain Since 1947

Rappers, professional athletes, and Mother Nature all love to make it rain these days. It also appears that many people believe this is something new. Here's what most of the general population fails to realize: Indians [Asian not Native American..yes, I know they can literally make it rain with their rain dance, but I'm going to talk about the Asian Indians right now..] have been making it rain for years now; definitely long before Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, or Andrew Bynum have been doing it. Weddings, birthdays, graduation parties - you name it, and you can count on several Indian Aunties and Uncles throwing the cash around like money ain't a thang. I would have to say weddings are when they definitely go all out. From my own personal experiences, once everyone hits the dance floor, you begin to notice money flying all over the place. Not too long ago I attended a wedding reception in Bakersfield and at the end of the night, there was so much money that the maintenance crew at the party hall had to sweep all the bills up with brooms! Now that is what you call big pimpin! So why do they do it? Unlike in the U.S. where people usually make it rain on scantily clad women, Indians do it essentially as a form of well wishes for whoever the celebration is for. Now I know that many other cultures have their own money dances for various occasions, but I'm just spreading the word that my brown brothers and sisters have been making it rain forever man. Sorry T-Pain, Uncle Sanjiv is the true playa in this situation.

Check this video..they're making it rain on dem Punjabis!

1 comment:

  1. you are teasing me because i have never attended an Indian festivity before. thanks. and thanks for not inviting me to sameer's graduation party! jk.


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