Look at my most recent discovery via the Interwebz - the answer to thank you notes! They're appropriately called You're Welcome Cards and are pretty clever (and hilarious) in my opinion. I mean really, what are you supposed to do/say when someone sends you a thank you note? I personally never know. I usually just toss them out and think to myself "Oh good, their gift arrived safely and they like it." Proper etiquette however, dictates you should always say, "You're welcome." The easiest way out is to just send one of these you're welcome notes back! lol. Why didn't I think of this? I think the best product they sell are the pack of 50 business cards. Check out the description off their site:
Business card style to throw around, leave with tips, slip under someones windshield wiper... the options are endless. And if the front of the card doesn't say enough for you, the back of the card is blank so you can write a note to whomever you are leaving the card for. Have fun with these!
Yes You're Welcome people, I would have fun with these. I would actually have a field day with something like this. lol! I think they would also be funny to send out to people who probably should have thanked you for something, and chose not to. In true passive aggressive fashion, you could just hand them a you're welcome note. Genius. Here's a link to their other merchandise - check it out!
HAHAHAHA. I can't wait to send you a thank you card.